11 Clinton, Catherine I, Too, Sing America: Three Centuries of African American Poetry
12 Cohen, Barbara Thank You, Jackie Robinson
13 Crowe, Chris Mississippi Trial, 1955
14 Curry, Barbara K. Sweet Words So Brave: The Story of African American Literature
15 Curtis, Christopher Paul Bud, Not Buddy
16 Curtis, Christopher Paul Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, The
17 Dingle, Derek T. First in the Field: Baseball Hero Jackie Robinson
18 Dorris, Michael Window, The
19 Draper, Sharon M. Double Dutch
20 English, Karen Francie
21 Feelings, Tom Middle Passage: White Ships/Black Cargo
22 Flake, Sharon Skin I'm In, The
23 Flake, Sharon Who Am I Without Him?: Short Stories About Girls and the Boys in Their Lives
24 Fradin, Dennis Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine, The
25 Fradin, Judith Bloom Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine, The
26 Freedman, Russell Voice that Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal Rights
27 Fuqua, Jonathon Scott Darby
28 Greenberg, Jan Romare Bearden: Collage of Memories
29 Greenfield, Eloise Honey, I Love and Other Love Poems
30 Grimes, Nikki Jazmin's Notebook
31 Grimes, Nikki Talkin' About Bessie: The Story of Aviator Elizabeth Coleman
32 Hahn, Mary Downing Promises to the Dead
33 Hamilton, Virginia People Could Fly: American Black Folktales, The
34 Hamilton, Virginia Zeely
35 Hansen, Joyce Women of Hope: African Americans Who Made a Difference
36 Herlihy, Dirlie Ludie's Song
37 Hesse, Karen Witness
38 Hoobler, Dorothy African American Family Album, The
39 Hoobler, Thomas African American Family Album, The
40 Hughes, Langston Dream Keeper and Other Poems, The
41 Hurmence, Belinda Girl Called Boy, A
42 Igus, Toyomi I See the Rhythm
43 Johnson, Angela Heaven
44 Johnson, Angela Other Side: Shorter Poems, The
45 Johnston, Norma Over Jordan
46 Keenan, Sheila Frederick Douglass: Portrait of a Freedom Fighter
47 Kidd, Sue Monk Secret Life of Bees, The
48 King, Jr., Martin Luther I Have a Dream
49 Lester, Julius Blues Singers: Ten Who Rocked the World, The
50 Lester, Julius From Slave Ship to Freedom Road
51 Lester, Julius Long Journey Home
52 Lester, Julius To Be a Slave
53 Levine, Gail Carson Dave at Night
54 Lewis, J. Patrick Freedom Like Sunlight: Praisesongs for Black Americans
55 Lindstrom, Aletha J. Sojourner Truth: Slave, Abolitionist, Fighter for Women's Rights
56 Mathis, Sharon Bell Hundred Penny Box, The
57 McGuigan, Mary Ann Where You Belong
58 McKissack, Fredrick Black Hands, White Sails: The Story of African-American Whalers
59 McKissack, Fredrick Days of Jubilee: The End of Slavery in the United States
60 McKissack, Fredrick Young, Black, and Determined: A Biography of Lorraine Hansberry
61 McKissack, Pat Days of Jubilee: The End of Slavery in the United States
62 McKissack, Patricia C. Black Hands, White Sails: The Story of African-American Whalers
63 McKissack, Patricia C. Dark-Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural, The
64 McKissack, Patricia C. Young, Black, and Determined: A Biography of Lorraine Hansberry
65 Medina, Tony Love to Langston
66 Meyer, Carolyn White Lilacs
67 Miller, William Richard Wright and the Library Card
68 Moses, Shirley P. Legend of Buddy Bush, The
69 Myers, Walter Dean Bad Boy: A Memoir
70 Myers, Walter Dean Blues Journey
71 Myers, Walter Dean Monster
72 Myers, Walter Dean Now Is Your Time! The African-American Struggle for Freedom
73 Nelson, Marilyn Carver: A Life in Poems
74 Nelson, Marilyn Fortune's Bones: The Manumission Requiem
75 Patrick, Denise Lewis Longest Ride, The
76 Paulsen, Gary Nightjohn
77 Pearsall, Shelley Trouble Don't Last
78 Peck, Richard River Between Us, The
79 Petry, Ann Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad
80 Pinkney, Andrea Davis Let It Shine! Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters
81 Pinkney, Andrea Davis Silent Thunder: A Civil War Story
82 Polacco, Patricia Pink and Say
83 Rappaport, Doreen Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
84 Rappaport, Doreen No More!: Stories and Songs of Slave Resistance
85 Reeder, Carolyn Across the Lines
86 Rinaldi, Ann Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons
87 Robinet, Harriette Gillem Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule
88 Rockwell, Anne Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth
89 Rummel, Jack Langston Hughes: Poet of the Harlem Renaissance
90 Ryan, Pam Munoz When Marian Sang: The True Recital of Marian Anderson
91 Schmidt, Gary D. Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy
92 Sebestyen, Ouida Words by Heart
93 Stanley, Jerry Hurry Freedom: African Americans in Gold Rush California
94 Taylor, Charles A. Juneteenth: A Celebration of Freedom
95 Taylor, Mildred D. Friendship, The
96 Taylor, Mildred D. Land, The
97 Taylor, Mildred D. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
98 Thomas, Velma Maia Lest We Forget: The Passage from Africa to Slavery and Emancipation
99 Tillage, Leon Walter Leon's Story
100 Whitmore, Arvella Trapped Between the Lash and the Gun
101 Winslow, Vicki Follow the Leader
102 Woods, Brenda Red Rose Box, The

104 Woodson, Jacqueline Locomotion
105 Wright, David Arthur Ashe: Breaking the Color Barrier in Tennis
106 Yates, Elizabeth Amos Fortune, Free Man
Grades 9-12
1 Anderson, Marian My Lord, What a Morning: An Autobiography
2 Angelou, Maya Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou
3 Angelou, Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
4 Angelou, Maya Life Doesn't Frighten Me
5 Ashe, Arthur Days of Grace
6 Baldwin, James A. Go Tell It on the Mountain
7 Bealls, Melba Patillo Warriors Don't Cry
8 Beatty, Paul Joker, Joker, Deuce
9 Bennett, Jr., Lerone What Manner of Man: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
10 Bogues, Tyrone In the Land of Giants: My Life in Basketball
11 Bohjalian, Chris A. Buffalo Soldier: A Novel
12 Butler, Octavia E. Kindred
13 Campbell, Bebe Moore Sweet Summer: Growing Up with and Without My Dad
14 Canada, Geoffrey Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun
15 Cary, Lorene Black Ice
16 Chambers, Veronica Mama's Girl
17 Clair, Maxine Rattlebone
18 Crowe, Chris Getting Away With Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case
19 Crowe, Chris Mississippi Trial, 1955
20 Curtis, Christopher Paul Bucking the Sarge
21 Dawson, George Life Is So Good
22 Douglass, Frederick Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
23 Draper, Sharon M. Battle of Jericho, The
24 Draper, Sharon M. Romiette and Julio
25 Due, Patricia Stephens Freedom in the Family: A Mother-Daughter Memoir of the Fight for Civil Rights
26 Due, Tananarive Freedom in the Family: A Mother-Daughter Memoir of the Fight for Civil Rights
27 Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man
28 Flake, Sharon Who Am I Without Him?: Short Stories About Girls and the Boys in Their Lives
29 Fradin, Dennis Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine, The
30 Fradin, Judith Bloom Power of One: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine, The
31 Gaines, Ernest Gathering of Old Men, A
32 Gaines, Ernest Lesson Before Dying, A
33 Gibson, Aliona Nappy: Growing Up Black and Female in America
34 Gillan, Maria (editor) Growing Up Ethnic in America: Contemporary Fiction About Learning to Be American
35 Giovanni, Nikki Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea: Poems and Not Quite Poems
36 Glaubman, Richard Life Is So Good
37 Grimes, Nikki Bronx Masquerade
38 Haley, Alex Roots
39 Hamilton, Virginia W. E. B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race
40 Haskins, James Cecil Poole, a Life in the Law
41 Haynes, David Right by My Side
42 Hinojosa, Maria Crews: Gang Members Talk to Maria Hinojosa
43 Holliday, Laurel (editor) Dreaming in Color, Living in Black and White: Our Own Stories of Growing Up Black in America
44 Hopkinson, Nalo Brown Girl in the Ring
45 Hurston, Zora Neale Spunk: The Selected Stories of Zora Neale Hurston
46 Hurston, Zora Neale Their Eyes Were Watching God
47 Jen, Gish Who's Irish?
48 Johnson, Angela First Part Last, The
49 Johnson, Angela Toning the Sweep
50 Johnson, Charles R. Middle Passage
51 Jones, K. Maurice Say It Loud! The Story of Rap Music
52 Jordan, June June Jordan's Poetry for the People: A Revolutionary Blueprint
53 Jordan, June Kissing God Goodbye: Poems, 1991-1996
54 Kidd, Sue Monk Secret Life of Bees, The
55 King, Jr., Martin Luther I Have a Dream
56 King, Jr., Martin Luther Why We Can't Wait
57 Komanyakaa, Yusef Dien Cai Dau (Wesleyan Poetry)
58 Krisher, Trudy Spite Fences
59 Lester, Julius To Be a Slave
60 McBride, James Color of Water
61 McCloud, Scott New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, The
62 McWhorter, Diane Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution
63 Morrison, Toni Beloved
64 Morrison, Toni Bluest Eye
65 Morrison, Toni Song of Solomon, The
66 Mosely, Walter Walkin' the Dog
67 Myers, Walter Dean Bad Boy: A Memoir
68 Myers, Walter Dean Fallen Angels
69 Myers, Walter Dean Monster
70 Naylor, Gloria Mama Day
71 Nelson, Marilyn Fortune's Bones: The Manumission Requiem
72 Packer, Z.Z. Drinking Coffee Elsewhere
73 Parks, Suzan-Lori Topdog Underdog
74 Peck, Richard River Between Us, The
75 Petry, Ann Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad
76 Petry, Ann Street, The
77 Petry, Ann Tituba of Salem Village
78 Schmidt, Gary D. Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy
79 Shange, Ntozake For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf
80 Stanley, Jerry Hurry Freedom: African Americans in Gold Rush California
81 Sturm, James Golem's Mighty Swing
82 Taylor, Mildred D. Land, The
83 Walker, Alice Color Purple, The
84 Walker, Margaret Jubilee
85 Ward, Andrew Dark Midnight When I Rise: The Story of the Fisk Jubilee Singers
86 Washington, Mary Helen (editor) Black-Eyed Susans: Classic Stories By and About Black Women
87 Wideman, John Edgar Brothers and Keepers
88 Wideman, John Edgar Philadelphia Fire
89 Williams, Lori Aurelia Shayla's Double Brown Baby Blues
90 Williams-Garcia, Rita Every Time a Rainbow Dies
91 Wilson, August Fences
92 Wilson, August Piano Lesson, The
93 Wilson, August Two Trains Running

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