The Traveling Library
Books for Teens and Other Interesting People.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
The New Traveling Library
Rescued from oblivion and ready to entertain and inform you about great books I have read.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Here You Go! A Multicultural Feast!
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Set 100 years ago, this character story concerns the disintegration of the Ibo community in the face of white missionary intrusion. - CDE
West of Kabul, East of New York: An Afghan American Story by Mir Tamim Ansary

3 Appelfeld, Aharon Tzili. The Story of a Life
4 Aronson, Marc Art Attack: A Short Cultural History of the Avant-Garde
5 Baird, Robert (editor) Hatred, Bigotry, and Prejudice: Definitions, Causes and Solutions
6 Baldwin, James A. Fire Next Time
7 Bosworth, Beth Tunneling: A Novel
8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan Tortilla Curtain, The
9 Bradford, Richard Red Sky at Morning
10 Bragg, Richard All Over but the Shouting
11 Brenner, Barbara Voices: Poetry and Art from Around the World
12 Butler, Octavia E. Kindred
13 Butler, Robert Olen Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, A
14 Campbell, Joseph Power of Myth, The
15 Carroll, Andrew (editor) Letters of a Nation
16 Cary, Lorene Black Ice
17 Chase, Marilyn Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco, The
18 Clarke, Judith Wolf on the Fold
19 Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness
20 Corwin, Miles And Still We Rise: The Trials and Triumphs of Twelve Gifted Inner-City High School Students
21 Danticat, Edwidge Krik? Krak!
22 de Saint-Exupery, Antoine Night Flight
23 Dick, Philip K. Man in the High Castle, The
24 Dickinson, Peter Eva
25 Didion, Joan Democracy
26 Didion, Joan Last Thing He Wanted, The
27 Dietz, Maggie (editor) Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology
28 Dorris, Michael Yellow Raft in Blue Water, A
29 Endo, Shusaku Wonderful Fool
30 Ferris, Jean Bad
31 Franco, Betsy (editor) Things I Have to Tell You: Poems and Writing by Teenage Girls
32 Franco, Betsy (editor) You Hear Me?: Poems and Writing by Teenage Boys
33 Frank, Rudolf No Hero for the Kaiser
34 Fuentes, Carlos Old Gringo, The
35 Fugard, Athol Master Harold and the Boys
36 Gaines, Ernest Gathering of Old Men, A
37 Gandhi, Mahatma Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth, An
38 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Strange Pilgrims
39 Garland, Sherry Lotus Seed, The
40 Gilman, Dorothy Incident at Badamya
41 Glenn, Mel Jump Ball: A Basketball Season in Poems
42 Glenn, Mel My Friend's Got This Problem, Mr. Candler
43 Greene, Graham Quiet American, The
44 Greene, Graham Travels with My Aunt
45 Guterson, David Snow Falling on Cedars
46 Hagedorn, Jessica Dogeaters, The
47 Hegi, Ursula Tearing the Silence: Being German in America
48 Hicvilmaz, Gaye Frozen Waterfall, The
49 Hillerman, Tony Dance Hall of the Dead
50 Hinojosa, Maria Crews: Gang Members Talk to Maria Hinojosa
51 Hinojosa, Rolando Dear Rafe
52 Hoeg, Peter Smilla's Sense of Snow
53 Hong, Maria (editor) Growing Up Asian American
54 Hopkinson, Nalo Brown Girl in the Ring
55 Keneally, Thomas Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, The
56 Keneally, Thomas Schindler's Ark (Schindler's List)
57 Kim, Nancy Chinhominey's Secret
58 Kincaid, Jamaica Annie John
59 Kincaid, Jamaica Autobiography of My Mother, The
60 Kingsolver, Barbara Animal Dreams
61 Kingsolver, Barbara Bean Trees, The
62 Kingsolver, Barbara Pigs in Heaven
63 Kingston, Maxine Hong Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, The
64 Kiyama, Henry Yoshitaka Four Immigrants Manga: A Japanese Experience in San Francisco, 1904-1924
65 Krisher, Trudy Spite Fences
66 Lee, Chang-Rae Gesture Life, A
67 Lee, Gus China Boy
68 Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird
69 Lee, Spike Best Seat in the House
70 McBride, James Color of Water
71 McCloud, Scott New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, The
72 McPhee, John Coming into the Country
73 Mehta, Gita River Sutra, A
74 Meyer, Carolyn Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker
75 Mukherjee, Bharati Jasmine
76 Mukherjee, Bharati Middleman and Other Stories
77 Myers, Walter Dean Fallen Angels
78 Myers, Walter Dean Shooter
79 Naipaul, V. S. House for Mr. Biswas, A
80 Naipaul, V. S. Miguel Street
81 Newth, Mette Abduction, The
82 Nye, Naomi Shihab (editor) This Same Sky: A Collection of Poems from Around the World
83 O'Brien, Tim Things They Carried, The
84 Osa, Nancy Cuba 15: A Novel
85 Pinsky, Robert (editor) Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology
86 Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (editor) Hatred, Bigotry, and Prejudice: Definitions, Causes and Solutions
87 Rothberg, Jerome Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas
88 Rozan, S. J. China Trade
89 Sachar, Louis Holes
90 Salzman, Mark True Notebooks
91 Saroyan, William Human Comedy, The
92 Schami, Rafik Damascus Nights
93 Schooler, Lynn Blue Bear: A True Story of Friendship, Tragedy, and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness, The
94 Selcadurai, Shyam Funny Boy
95 Shute, Nevil Town Like Alice, A
96 Singer, Marilyn Face Relations: Eleven Stories About Seeing Beyond Color
97 Strempek Shea, Suzanne Hoopi Shoopi Donna
98 Sturm, James Golem's Mighty Swing
99 Szymusiak, Molyda Stones Cry Out: A Cambodian Childhood, 1975-1980, The
100 Tateishi, John And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps
101 Taylor, Clark House That Crack Built, The
102 Thomas, Joyce Carol (editor) Gathering of Flowers: Stories About Being Young in America, A
103 Thoms, Annie (editor) With Their Eyes: September 11 - The View from a High School at Ground Zero
104 Waldman, Ayelet Daughter's Keeper
105 Weiss, M. Jerry (editor) From One Experience to Another
106 Wiley, Ralph Best Seat in the House
107 Winick, Judd Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned

West of Kabul, East of New York: An Afghan American Story by Mir Tamim Ansary

3 Appelfeld, Aharon Tzili. The Story of a Life
4 Aronson, Marc Art Attack: A Short Cultural History of the Avant-Garde
5 Baird, Robert (editor) Hatred, Bigotry, and Prejudice: Definitions, Causes and Solutions
6 Baldwin, James A. Fire Next Time
7 Bosworth, Beth Tunneling: A Novel
8 Boyle, T. Coraghessan Tortilla Curtain, The
9 Bradford, Richard Red Sky at Morning
10 Bragg, Richard All Over but the Shouting
11 Brenner, Barbara Voices: Poetry and Art from Around the World
12 Butler, Octavia E. Kindred
13 Butler, Robert Olen Good Scent from a Strange Mountain, A
14 Campbell, Joseph Power of Myth, The
15 Carroll, Andrew (editor) Letters of a Nation
16 Cary, Lorene Black Ice
17 Chase, Marilyn Barbary Plague: The Black Death in Victorian San Francisco, The
18 Clarke, Judith Wolf on the Fold
19 Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness
20 Corwin, Miles And Still We Rise: The Trials and Triumphs of Twelve Gifted Inner-City High School Students
21 Danticat, Edwidge Krik? Krak!
22 de Saint-Exupery, Antoine Night Flight
23 Dick, Philip K. Man in the High Castle, The
24 Dickinson, Peter Eva
25 Didion, Joan Democracy
26 Didion, Joan Last Thing He Wanted, The
27 Dietz, Maggie (editor) Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology
28 Dorris, Michael Yellow Raft in Blue Water, A
29 Endo, Shusaku Wonderful Fool
30 Ferris, Jean Bad
31 Franco, Betsy (editor) Things I Have to Tell You: Poems and Writing by Teenage Girls
32 Franco, Betsy (editor) You Hear Me?: Poems and Writing by Teenage Boys
33 Frank, Rudolf No Hero for the Kaiser
34 Fuentes, Carlos Old Gringo, The
35 Fugard, Athol Master Harold and the Boys
36 Gaines, Ernest Gathering of Old Men, A
37 Gandhi, Mahatma Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth, An
38 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Strange Pilgrims
39 Garland, Sherry Lotus Seed, The
40 Gilman, Dorothy Incident at Badamya
41 Glenn, Mel Jump Ball: A Basketball Season in Poems
42 Glenn, Mel My Friend's Got This Problem, Mr. Candler
43 Greene, Graham Quiet American, The
44 Greene, Graham Travels with My Aunt
45 Guterson, David Snow Falling on Cedars
46 Hagedorn, Jessica Dogeaters, The
47 Hegi, Ursula Tearing the Silence: Being German in America
48 Hicvilmaz, Gaye Frozen Waterfall, The
49 Hillerman, Tony Dance Hall of the Dead
50 Hinojosa, Maria Crews: Gang Members Talk to Maria Hinojosa
51 Hinojosa, Rolando Dear Rafe
52 Hoeg, Peter Smilla's Sense of Snow
53 Hong, Maria (editor) Growing Up Asian American
54 Hopkinson, Nalo Brown Girl in the Ring
55 Keneally, Thomas Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, The
56 Keneally, Thomas Schindler's Ark (Schindler's List)
57 Kim, Nancy Chinhominey's Secret
58 Kincaid, Jamaica Annie John
59 Kincaid, Jamaica Autobiography of My Mother, The
60 Kingsolver, Barbara Animal Dreams
61 Kingsolver, Barbara Bean Trees, The
62 Kingsolver, Barbara Pigs in Heaven
63 Kingston, Maxine Hong Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, The
64 Kiyama, Henry Yoshitaka Four Immigrants Manga: A Japanese Experience in San Francisco, 1904-1924
65 Krisher, Trudy Spite Fences
66 Lee, Chang-Rae Gesture Life, A
67 Lee, Gus China Boy
68 Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird
69 Lee, Spike Best Seat in the House
70 McBride, James Color of Water
71 McCloud, Scott New Adventures of Abraham Lincoln, The
72 McPhee, John Coming into the Country
73 Mehta, Gita River Sutra, A
74 Meyer, Carolyn Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker
75 Mukherjee, Bharati Jasmine
76 Mukherjee, Bharati Middleman and Other Stories
77 Myers, Walter Dean Fallen Angels
78 Myers, Walter Dean Shooter
79 Naipaul, V. S. House for Mr. Biswas, A
80 Naipaul, V. S. Miguel Street
81 Newth, Mette Abduction, The
82 Nye, Naomi Shihab (editor) This Same Sky: A Collection of Poems from Around the World
83 O'Brien, Tim Things They Carried, The
84 Osa, Nancy Cuba 15: A Novel
85 Pinsky, Robert (editor) Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology
86 Rosenbaum, Stuart E. (editor) Hatred, Bigotry, and Prejudice: Definitions, Causes and Solutions
87 Rothberg, Jerome Shaking the Pumpkin: Traditional Poetry of the Indian North Americas
88 Rozan, S. J. China Trade
89 Sachar, Louis Holes
90 Salzman, Mark True Notebooks
91 Saroyan, William Human Comedy, The
92 Schami, Rafik Damascus Nights
93 Schooler, Lynn Blue Bear: A True Story of Friendship, Tragedy, and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness, The
94 Selcadurai, Shyam Funny Boy
95 Shute, Nevil Town Like Alice, A
96 Singer, Marilyn Face Relations: Eleven Stories About Seeing Beyond Color
97 Strempek Shea, Suzanne Hoopi Shoopi Donna
98 Sturm, James Golem's Mighty Swing
99 Szymusiak, Molyda Stones Cry Out: A Cambodian Childhood, 1975-1980, The
100 Tateishi, John And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps
101 Taylor, Clark House That Crack Built, The
102 Thomas, Joyce Carol (editor) Gathering of Flowers: Stories About Being Young in America, A
103 Thoms, Annie (editor) With Their Eyes: September 11 - The View from a High School at Ground Zero
104 Waldman, Ayelet Daughter's Keeper
105 Weiss, M. Jerry (editor) From One Experience to Another
106 Wiley, Ralph Best Seat in the House
107 Winick, Judd Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Keep Reading!
I'm delighted to say that I'll be able to post again very soon. I'm researching the history of my small hometown, Needles, California at the Needles Regional Museum. I'm going to sneak in a few posts of teen books and maybe tidy things up a bit. Look for some postings of books with a multicultural theme. It just seems a nice thing to do now.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Thura's Diary: My Life in Wartime Iraq by Thura Al-Windawi

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